Opera House, Hotel L, Paris
MARK, in collaboration with Parisian developer Assembly, temporarily transformed the Grand Opéra, a former luxury hotel in the heart of Paris, to provide emergency accommodation for women and children.
Pending the regeneration of the Grand Opéra into a mixed-used development, MARK and Assembly saw the opportunity to convert the former luxury hotel for social good through the Hôtel L project.
The project gave women and children who have experienced violence a secure home for 13 months.
This safe space also provided a range of free counselling, coaching, physical therapy, educational and nutritional services for residents, and an opportunity for local charities to provide further assistance. Hôtel L provided a sense of belonging for residents, fulfilling the multiple needs for women and children in a safe setting in a community of people with shared experiences. The innovative and inclusive nature of this project is a testament to how real estate firms can creatively utilise their assets to give back to the community.

Utilisation of vacant building space during the pre-construction phase for 13 months for community impact programme.
The Assembly development team identified the former luxury hotel rooms could best fit an emergency accommodation requirement and sought the most in need, women and children escaping domestic violence situations.
MARK and Assembly collaborated with local charities, support services and the Parisian authorities to provide a holistic service for those in need.
Grand Opéra, in a former luxury hotel and vacant space for which an opportunity to simply repurpose existing infrastructure to provide vital shelter and care for our communities most vulnerable.

Collaborating to deliver social impact
MARK and Assembly team undertook an innovative person-led regeneration approach to transform the 10,000m2 Grand Opéra Haussmann building, located in Paris’ Opéra District, into a suitable accommodation space for vulnerable women, children and victim-survivors of abuse. The building underwent a transformation to re-imagine this previously vacant space into a building that safely welcomed 152 women and children.
MARK and Assembly enabled the collaboration of local charities, community organisations and the Parisian authorities to facilitate this novel project to provide support for women and children. Their collective aim of the partnership was to create and manage a safe and comfortable environment for vulnerable women and children, providing access to necessary services as well as a secure place for them to share their experiences. Project leaders were able to count on the support of the State through charity Centre d’Action Sociale Protestant (Le CASP) and the following local organisations, supporting the day-to-day activities and social aspirations of this project.
Grand Opéra, Hôtel L project key partners:
A recognised player in the social and solidarity economy, they offered a support programme, and provided counselling, professional coaching, wellness and movement workshops.
Brought their experience of managing shared accommodation schemes and supported the coordination and management of the building.
La Cravate Solidaire
Ran a series of events, contributing to the well-being of residents, providing opportunities for them to interact with one another and build confidence to pass job interviews. More broadly, they assist in fighting discrimination in hiring, particularly related to physical appearance.
Direction Régionale et Interdépartementale de l’Hébergement et du Logement supported the project in their mission of providing emergency, temporary accommodation and social support in Paris.
Services Provided
Clean and secure en-suite rooms in the former hotel
Safe recreational spaces for residents to engage in their shared experiences
Three meals a day provided, and facilities to prepare nutritious meals
Sports and fitness with professional trainer, including yoga and karate
Classes with dancer at Opéra Garnier
Support counselling to build mental health, self-esteem and confidence
Support from local schools and educational services
Free beauty treatments, massage and physiotherapy by expert professionals
Safe space for children to play

Project Outcomes
The project has been successful and serves as a model for real estate developers to utilise vacant spaces for social good. MARK strongly believe in leading by example to create positive change and through collaboration, transform the culture of real estate investment. Therefore, creating a more environmentally and socially mindful sector.
“Some of the residents arrive following trauma and this care allows them to take time to work on themselves as mothers and women. It is part of the process of stepping towards a more peaceful future”
Julie Acquaviva, Director of the CASP emergency accommodation unit
Women and children in 91 rooms for 13 months
Equivalent in residential rental value provided
Meals provided
Looking Ahead
The Grand Opéra redevelopment is a Fund III asset that brought community benefits to help tackle important local issues in Paris, such as housing and support for victim-survivors of domestic violence. In seeing the positive social outcomes of the project, MARK saw the opportunity to take this innovative approach forward in setting new community impact targets for recently launched the MARK Paris Urban Regeneration platform.
Going forward, MARK will continue to prioritise social initiatives in redevelopment projects, optimising urban planning projects to support local communities. By leveraging the power of collaboration and innovative thinking, MARK will continue to place ESG and social impact at the forefront of their projects. This transformative initiative is just the beginning.